30 June 2008 Monday, June 30, 2008

My New Found Love.

Cobra Starship
My new found love, Cobra Starship or should I say, Cobra Starfish. :D

The song that is playing on www.abeautifulvividlife.blogspot.com is " Guilty Pleasure " by Cobra Starship or should I say, Cobra Starfish. :D My favourite song of the century. :) Okay. Fine. Favourite song at the moment because I get bored easily, but that is not my point. My point is I love them. :)

It is funny how I was watching television three weeks ago. I changed the channel to Channel V and there Cobra Starship were, doing their thing, turning human beings into Cobra Starship lusting zombies. The first word written on my mind was " Oh my Moses. Who are they? ". So I watched it until the band's name appeared. Cobra Starship. :) Isn't the band's name awesome? :) The next day, it was on Hitz. Fm. :D As usual, as a Parkinson patient, I was trying so hard to remember who they are that my brain could explode into pieces( I am sorry for being melodramatic. Cobra Starship worths any melodramatic words. ;P ) and and and Cobra Starship. :D Adeline changed the channel and I was screaming to ask her to change back to that channel. What? The song is awesome. :D

If the world is ending.
I am throwing the party.

" Guilty Pleasure " by Cobra Starship.

28 June 2008 Saturday, June 28, 2008

It is Linda and Aloytiuss' Day. :D
It have been months since I met them, yet they have left an image on me; A growing family. :) I have never expected this fast, but I am still happy for them. :) I hope they produce babies in less than a year so that I could play with them. ;P

I am exhausted, in a state of shocked and lusting for a foot massage. Today, I just realised EdwardKecohPants could be responsible when it comes to taking care of me. It is not that I thought that he was irresponsible. It is just that every time I am with him, he would be a young EdwardKecohPants. People are unpredictable. x Inside voice. x Tell me about it. Oh, and blood is not thicker than water.

I woke up to handphone, hoping GaiusBooo would call me to confirm what time he is coming, but I was sleepy. So I got back to sleep. I woke up to handphone, ringing, from GaiusBooo, asking me to get ready because EdwardKecohPants, JustinOink and him are coming once they get ready. So I hit the shower. I put on a grey Superwoman tee and a pair of Red shorts, carrying my Black and White Converse handbag in my new wedges. I love wedges. :)

Superman that whore. :D

I was angry because I called JustinOink's handphone number uncountable to the power of uncountable times and no one answered. I get cranky when people ignore my calls. Purposely or not purposely. At last, JustinOink answered the phone. Bad news. We are going straight to St. Joseph for Linda's wedding instead of second home sweet home. So I had to ran upstairs, redid my make ups and put on a Black Summer Dress, carrying my Black Guess handbag in my new wedges. I waited for another hour. And another. And another. If you weren't a dumbass, that sums up to a three hours worth of nothing. I get cranky waiting for people too.




I don't know why, but EdwardKecohPants and JustinOink were amused by this picture.

At last, they came. I thought of slapping GaiusBooo's face for making me wait for three hours, but once I saw him, I couldn't help, but hugged him. :)

We were off to St. Joseph. Once we reached there, Tamil mass was going on. So we were lucky the ceremony was still going on. We met up with daddy, mommy and Catherine there. It was odd because every time I go to GaiusBooo's place, I would see Linda and Aloytius sitting on the sofas, watching television and turn their heads just to smile at me and now, they were walking down the altar. I am happy for them. :')









Other than being GaiusBooo's wifey, I am his hairstylist too. ;) Oh, and my hair looked straight here. :D And dry. :(

My homosexual booo. :) Before you make any comments, I asked him to pose like that.

The dinner was at the same place. Daddy was seeing his friends from India and the rest of us waited for one hour.


That shows how bored I was.


Linda's niece.


Uncle Andrew and Ashwin, the second newest additional to the family. :) The newest additional to the family was born yesterday. :D


Aunt Nancy dragged me to the loo. When I got back, GaiusBooo and mom were talking outside the building. The first word written on my mind was " What the fuck? ". You will never, ever know what mom would say. Because she is unpredictable like that, yo. ;) So I marched myself towards them, with this balloon of curiosity bursting inside my mind. I was relieved when I got to know that they were talking about GaiusBooo's job as a bouncer.






The food was ready. So all of us marched ourselves to the buffet area. The food was satisfying. Not because I was starving because I didn't eat anything since the moment I woke up, but it was just satisfying. :) It was funny how EdwardKecohPants came into the picture, Bernard asked me who he was, I told him he is EdwardKecohPants and he laughed like a hyena because GaiusBooo and EdwardKecohPants look alike. :) Haha.







GaiusBooo and I were forcing each other to ask mom whether I could go out with GaiusBooo after the dinner or not. I insisted on him to ask since he was the one who had a huge urge to go out with me. In the end, when Bernard, Aunt Nancy, mom and I, with a broken heart because I thought the night was coming to an end were on our way to the car, GaiusBooo ran to mom and asked whether I could tag along with him or not. :) Yes or no, I am still content because it takes a dude to ask a girl's parents for their permission. :) Mom agreed. :) So I was literally jumping for joy.

We were off to GaiusBooo's place to dropped GaiusBooo and I at GaiusBooo's place. They were off to buy drinks and we were waiting for BionicMan.



Everyone arrived and we were off to Bar Savangh.









Oink oink. ;P

Candid by yours truly. I don't know why, but I like this picture. :)

So we were off to Bangsar to pick Parasite up. He just arrived there to celebrate his friend's birthday.

So we gave him some time to make up and we were off to a playground for drinking. :D We downed some Tequila Shots. GaiusBooo and I shared the same cup because he was being overprotective, insisted on me having a small amount of alcohol running through my veins. EdwardKecohPants saw my sad face.

EdwardKecohPants.: The last cup is for Carmen.
GaiusBooo.: Aneh.
EdwardKecohPants.: What? She is sister in law.
GaiusBooo and JustinOink.: x Blah blah blahing about why EdwardKecohPants shouldn't let me drink. x

In the end, GaiusBooo and JustinOink won the war. =.= GaiusBooo and JustinOink, damn you.

JustinOink and BionicMan? Gone.

Candid by EdwardKecohPants.

I swear upon Moses I was sober. GaiusBooo and I shared the same cup. Remember?

JustinOink? Confirm gone. ;P Haha.



We were off to Bangsar again to pick Parasite up. It was hilarious to see him in a state of high because the last time I was with him, he was this Emo dude who refused to go on a roller coaster. Haha. Oh, and it was ironic because we were talking on the phone yesterday and he told me we should hang out and the next thing I know, we just did. O.O Haha.











We were off to Bar Celona since Sophia was there and could get us free drinks. Before I continue, I just lost my clubbing virginity. A club virgin at 17? You might think it is noob of me or whatever, but I don't care because at least I wasn't so desperate to lose my clubbing virginity that I sneaked out to get fucked by some strangers or get free drinks or whatever. I know my limits. I do admit I was curious, but never, ever desperate. I am sorry for wasting your one minute. I just want to get my points right. ;P The first word written on my mind when I entered the club was " Ewww. " because of the flashy dancers dancing on the bar. Oh, and this fat dude was holding this dancer's hand and smiling like a pervert. That was a classic ewww. You can't blame me because I just lost my clubbing virginity. So shut up. For the first 3o minutes, I felt uncomfortable. EdwardKecohPants saw my reaction, started putting my hands on GaiusBooo's shoulder and forcing me to dance. He lost. After seeing how foolish I was to miss this moment, I gave in. When I was dancing, EdwardKecohPants marched himself to a seat in front of GaiusBooo and I, looked at me in the eyes and pulled off an evil smile. O.O I was shy. So I stopped dancing. So GaiusBooo blocked EdwardKecohPants's view to make me feel better. :) Overall, it was okay. I don't know what happened, but EdwardKecohPants pulled my hand and GaiusBooo, JustinOink, Parasite and BionicMan followed. Apparently, he showed me the loo because I was complaining to GaiusBooo my bladder was fulled. Haha.

Me.: Okay. My bladder is okay now. So can we go somewhere else now?
EdwardKecohPants.: x In a dadtalkingtoadaughter's tone. x If you go in, I would bring you anywhere you want later.

In the end, I did. Haha. We were back at basics, dancing. :D I am disappointed by the fact that I don't have any pictures of us, clubbing. I was being such a lazy bum bum, asking JustinOink to carry the camera, with a hope that I could take pictures of us, clubbing. In Bar Celona, we were too busy dancing. So you know the answer.

The time was up and we were off to my place to send me home. On our way to my place, we got pulled by two motherfucker policemen because we had four people at the back seat. I had my photostat IC with me. So one of the policeman was making a big deal about it, shouting to his mate " Ini IC palsu, ini IC palsu. ". I was an inch to kick his ass. I mean. What the fuck? Do I look like a terrorist? So he told me he was bringing me to the police station. EdwardKecohPants is smart when it comes to coping with this kind of situation. He put on a cool face, asking me to call mom, but I didn't because GaiusBooo asked me not to. So EdwardKecohPants agreed with the policeman to bring me to the policeman. Once he told him that, he backed off. :) Haha. The policemen couldn't bribe because we agreed to go to the police station and Hari didn't get sued for having four people at the back seat because his record is clean. Everyone is happy. :) Even though we got away, I still hate polices.



I hope those motherfucker policemen could see this. :)


I was home by 4 something a. m.. Mom was asking me why I was late by one hour. I told her why and I got away. Okay. That sounds wrong because I didn't do anything, but you know what I mean.



I was calling GaiusBooo to tell him I was safe from getting grounded from parents. :)

Goodnight, bitches and bastards. I am out.

I wonder what she is. As in ethnicity. :S
I wonder if she knew who I was. :S
I am in desperate need of doing my eyebrow.
I am aware everyone is vain, but she is annoying.
Ewww. Bitches.
I prefer them than them, both of the eldest sons for their families because they accept girls as their mates. To them, they might think girls are annoying because they have to take care of them, but they are wrong because girls are strong. Even if they were accepting me now, I would say " Suck each other's dicks since they accept dudes only in their group and go to Blackhole Hell. Assholes. ". This is one of the reasons why I hate family vacations. It is either I try to fit in something I know I can't or I feel left out. I don't blame the young ones because they do accept me and follow the eldest at the same time, but both of the eldest sons have to grow up and be non sexists. Jesus, why didn't You give family more girls? :( Okay. Scratch that. Jesus, why didn't You give them more maturity? :(
I wonder if they liked me because I am his wifey or because of me.